
Friday Sep 09, 2011
Friday Sep 09, 2011
A segment of the worship at recent meetings in Virginia Beach at Pastor Larry Reece's Church, Tidewater Area Christian Fellowship. What an awesome time in the presence of God. I trust you will be blessed as you listen. Open your heart to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The same anointing that was present in the service will touch you while you listen. ( NB : I discovered an ERROR in the MP3. It was 40 mins long with only 20 mins of content. There were 23 downloads, so if you are one of them, please re-download the fixed MP3 now)
Go Bless
Gil Howard-Browne ( www.revivaltimes.com )

Tuesday Jun 21, 2011
Tuesday Jun 21, 2011
This was recorded in Michigan about 8 years ago on an older keyboard. My recording equipment was not as good as I have today, but it is reasonably good and captures the atmosphere of the meeting.
I have had requests to do some of the older songs like "There is something about that Name", "HE's the Saviour of my soul", "Holy Spirit, thou art welcome in this place" , "Then sings my soul." "SPIRIT of the living GOD fall afresh on me" "Hallelujah" and a number of others. These are all songs I love and have done since way back in the late 60's when I began to lead worship with a guitar. I have several worship recordings from 8 to 14 years ago and I found this one that has some of the golden oldies in it and I thought it would be a blessing to my subscribers.
Please visit our web site http://revivaltimes.com for other material.
I trust you will be greatly blessed.
Gil Howard-Browne

Saturday Jun 04, 2011
Saturday Jun 04, 2011
Another great time in the presence of God. Towards the end of 2010 I did several meetings in Mackinaw City with Pastors Rodney and Nancy Wood. Five great meetings. This 22 minute worship segment came from the Tuesday PM meeting. Be blessed.
Gil Howard-Browne
PS : Visit us at our web site www.revivaltimes.com Also see your blog site www.gilhb.blogspot.com

Saturday Jun 04, 2011
Saturday Jun 04, 2011
Hi All,
I thought you would enjoy a recording from some meetings I did in Grand Rapids, Michigan some time ago. This is still from the old recording system I used which captured some of the audience response as well. Towards the second half of this 26 minute segment, the joy of the Lord begins to break out. It was a great meeting and the tangible presence of the Lord was very evident.
Please visit us on our web site at http://revivaltimes.com We have a lot of material that will greatly bless you including our "EncourageMe Blog"
God bless you richly.
Gil & Loraine Howard-Browne

Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Thank you once again for joining us on our "Weekly Worship" podcast. Jilleen Bedwell, my daughter joins me once again to spend the next 26 minutes in the presence of the Lord. Our hearts desire is that you are blessed beyond measure as you enter into the anointing that we felt as we recorded this segment. This is not rehearsed and completely spontaneous as we just flow with the Holy Spirit to bring this time of refreshing, blessing and ministry. His power will touch you now and bring healing, strength, refreshing, change and whatever else you need from God today. Please visit us on our web site at http://revivaltimes.com We have a lot of material that will greatly bless you including our "EncourageMe Blog" and Encourage Me.TV site. Visit Jilleen's Web site www.jilleen.netGod bless you richly.
Gil & Loraine Howard-Browne

Thursday Apr 21, 2011
Thursday Apr 21, 2011
In addition to my normal revival worship uploads, we are adding a new podcast called "Weekly Worship" I have asked my daughter Jilleen Bedwell to join me in this weekly worship segment. She has an awesome and anointed voice and I know you are going to love her heart of worship. She sang for many years from the age of 13 up to age 21 as she traveled with my wife and I holding revival meetings. She and her husband are now in full time ministry. You can visit her web site at www.jilleen.net
God bless you as you listen to this 28 minute worship podcast. I pray God fills you with His Glory and Presence.
Gil Howard-Browne
Visit us on our web site at www.revivaltimes.com

Sunday Apr 10, 2011
Sunday Apr 10, 2011
Have you ever expressed the thought "When will the answer come ... how much longer must I wait, Lord? " to the Lord or to yourself or to someone else. I am sure you have. God promised us "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation. " Psalms 91:15 & 16
Read further ... http://gilhb.blogspot.com/2011/04/when-will-answer-come-how-much-longer.html
This short audio clip from the ministry time in Dundee Florida in Feb 2011 was specifically edited and added for this blog article He has an answer for you today, but if not, you will still love Him and trust Him. I trust you will be blessed as you reach out to God and receive from His awesome hand of blessing.
Gil Howard-Browne www.revivaltimes.com

Friday Apr 08, 2011
Friday Apr 08, 2011
This 23 min podcast is from Feb 12, 2011 Sunday morning meeting, in a small church in Dundee Florida. But the presence of God was big inspite of a raspy throat from Florida pollen and previous meetings. It was a great meeeting and a number of people were deeply touched by the power of God. I pray this is a blessing to you as well. "Father, let your glory fill everyone as they listen to this podcast. Let Your presence be felt in a tangible way. Encourage them and refresh and bless each one in Jesus mighty name. Amen"
If you have enjoyed this podcast, please visit www.revivaltimes.com You may also enjoy our blog www.gilhb.blogspot.com
Gil Howard-Browne

Monday Feb 28, 2011
Monday Feb 28, 2011
The second part of the worship on Sunday night at Grace Fellowship in Wauchula, Florida. The presence of the Lord was powerful. I pray you get filled with His glory and pressence today. Gil Howard-Browne Visit us at www.revivaltimes.com
If this clip was a blessing to you, please rate it - Use the STAR rating below. Thank you.

Monday Feb 28, 2011
Monday Feb 28, 2011
A 2 hour drive from Tampa brought me to the town of Wauchula in Florida to Grace Fellowship, pastored by Pastor Barry Taylor. We had a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord. People got touched and blessed during the intense worship for almost an hour. I have split this MP3 into two sections, Part 1 and Part 2 to facilitate downloading and use on smaller MP3 players.
God Bless. Gil Howard-Browne Visit us at www.revivaltimes.com If this clip was a blessing to you, please rate it - Use the STAR rating below. Thank you.