Monday Nov 23, 2009
Monday Nov 23, 2009
This night the glory of God filled the place, a factory warehouse which had been cleared to acommodate about 60 people. What an amazing time in the presence of the Lord. People worship intensely.
Monday Nov 23, 2009
Monday Nov 23, 2009
The following worship took place at one of the morning meetings at the RMI Summer Campmeeting in Fort Worth Texas. After the preaching as I led people in a chorus, this song spun off from that song, to minister to the hearts of those who had responded to the altar call.
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Monday Nov 23, 2009
Monday Nov 23, 2009
An awesome time of worship in a Charismatic Baptist Church. Heaven came down. People sang with intensity. I was amazed as I listened to the recording afterwards, there was a lady singing word for word with me, a song that came spontaneously by the Spirit of God. I had to listen to it several times to make sure it was not an angel. There was definately something special about this worship time. Afterwards, one of two 9 year old twin boys, received a powerful touch from God. He lay on the floor and prophecied for about 45 minutes. Quite amazing.
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